Fever Treatment


Fever is a high body temperature that often indicates an underlying condition or infection. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, regulates body temperature. Typically, a temperature above 38°C or 100.4°F is considered a fever. It's important to note that body temperature can fluctuate throughout the day, with higher readings commonly observed in the afternoon.

What Causes Fever?

A fever occurs when your body tries to kill a virus or bacteria that causes an infection. Once your body is exposed to the invaders, it creates cellular systems that help your body fight infections. Your internal thermostat resets, and the body temperature rises slightly and makes life very difficult for a virus or invading bacteria. A mild fever is a good sign that your immune system is doing its job, but fever is not always caused by disease. Other causes of the fever include cancer, drug reactions, alcohol withdrawal, or other inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and other environmental fevers such as heat stroke.

Signs and symptoms of fever

Signs and symptoms of fever

Signs and symptoms of fever usually include the following:

Temperatures above 100.4 F (38 C) in adults and children, shivering, chills, and shaking. Muscle and joint pain or other body aches, skin reddening, headache, chronic sweating or excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, hot skin (feel hot to the touch), feeling weak, have increased pain sensitivity generally, dizzy or lightheaded, sore eyes or eye pain, weaknesses, loss of appetite, fussiness in children. It is also important to note in children the symptoms associated with the infection, including sore throat, cough, ear pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

When A Fever is An Emergency
Urgent Symptoms Requiring Emergency Treatment

Note the following symptoms, all of which indicate the need for emergency treatment: Severe headache, shortness of breath, confusion, convulsions or fainting, chest pain, abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, rash, especially if it quickly becomes worse, a stiff neck, especially if you feel pain when bending it forward.

Urgent Symptoms Requiring Emergency Treatment
When A Fever is An Emergency

When your body temperature exceeds 105 ° F, it exposes proteins and body fat to heat pressures that can impair their function. Long term exposure can lead to cellular depression, infarctions, necrosis, seizures, and delirium. If you have a fever and do not go away after taking over-the-count medication, if you have a high fever and have a fever, it can be a sign of fever if you contacted someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, you could be at risk of infection. With very high temperatures (> 104 F / 40 C), tremors, blurred vision, hallucinations, and confusion may occur. Always seek medical attention for the flu or in the event of these symptoms.

Go to your nearest emergency room in Lancaster TX

At Crescent Emergency Room, we provide quality healthcare 24/7. We are committed to providing our patients with the best care available and will work hard to find the fever's cause and treat the underlying condition. Whether you are worried about your child, or yourself, you can count on our integrated and advanced emergency medical service. Call at 972-850-2845.

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